I carry a camera most of the time...not a phone camera, though I have one of those, but a camera that allows me control how I see, what I see, where I look. It's what I do for a living, it's an extension of the way I make myself dissect an experience to best report it, convey it, celebrate it. The images below are taken with a semi professional camera which fits the guidelines imposed on consumers...thats fine.....for now.
Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls: Lost Evenings
Frank Turner...cathartic, authentic, great infectious writing that is both culturally and historically aware. Another opportunity for a tribe to gather in a place, an interesting place, to meet, to hear different things, to be inspired and...in Berlin, at potentially the end of a pandemic, to celebrate. Berlin was an inspired choice, not what I expected, far more than I expected, definitely what I needed. Outside the venue there were discoveries, thoughts, epiphanies and SO MUCH CONTEXT for an American who tries to see the world but was grateful for the chance to be a part of a community again....

The Pixies
I have always casually been interested in the Pixies. Following Black Francis on social media piqued my interest even more, how many rock stars can wax informed about architectural theory? This was a different set than I expected, but it was very, very compelling.

The Pixies...a bucket list item I didn't know I had...

The Pixies at MassMoCA August 2023

The Pixies at MassMoCA August 2023

The Pixies at MassMoCA August 2023
Dave Alvin, Jimmie Dale Gilmore & The Guilty Ones
If seeing the Pixies was a surprise, the only thing that surprised me about seeing Dave Alvin and Jimmie Dale Gilmore was just how good they are...ok and how really, really engaging they are. Both are legit royalty, Dave Alvin the guitar slinger and song writer for the Blasters of the early 1980's on. JDG 1/3 of the legendary Flatlanders, arguably the beginnings of Americana. There is a lot of history on that stage, but more important they have great chemistry together and they are incredible talents. Oh, and the Guilty Ones are an amazing backing band. If you get a chance, go!

Rock and Roll Royalty: Dave Alvin

Rock and Roll Royalty: Jimmie Dale Gilmore

Rock and Roll Royalty: Jimmie Dale Gilmore

Rock and Roll Royalty:Dave Alvin

Rock and Roll Royalty: Jimmie Dale Gilmore

Rock and Roll Royalty: Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Guster...its all about the fun, smart fun, but FUN
Guster are FUN...thats it, that's the take. They also do an amazing job building surprising, engaging, FUN experiences. Guster on the Ocean is a complete experience ( and it's FUN ), but this year's trip to Tanglewood ( the first of many? ) was also just ...fun, its fun, end of story.

Ryan being...


Campfire songs.